I was invited to spend a few days in the border region between Germany and Luxemburg called the Eifel. It’s a tranquil area where you can really come at peace and you feel like what’s happening in the rest of the world doesn’t matter anymore. Read along how I kept myself busy during the first days of what would turn out to be a really good European summer!
Some easy activities
When on holiday, it doesn’t always have to be jam-packed with activities you can’t do at home. On the other hand, spending the day at the beach gets boring too after a while. This time, I spent time riding a bike along the Sauerradweg, a biking path on both sides of the Sauer river. Cool thing is that the river is actually the border between Luxembourg and Germany. So basically you can go on the Luxembourg side and return on the German, or the other way around! You will even come across the old tollbooth on one of the bridges over the river. I chose an e-Bike to do this trip. It is the perfect means of getting around in this hilly environment, and I didn’t feel like doing sports (I know it’s hard to believe, but this body doesn’t sport rock hard hammies and quads, I know SHOCKER)! It’s super easy to get around using an e-Bike and another advantage is that you’ll be going faster and can see more of the beautiful region.
On the way I made a stop at the Tudor Museum in Rosport, Luxembourg. The museum shows in an interactive way how Henri Tudor changed the world by being fascinated by electricity and accumulators. If you have kids then it’s definitely worth an hour of your time!
Another great and easy activity I really enjoyed doing was just going for a plain and simple walk! The Römerpfad in the Butzerbachtal is one of the best places to do so. When it’s so hot outside like it was when I was there – there was a European heatwave going on – The Römerpfad is your place to be. It goes through the forest and the trees offer plenty of shade. The Römerpfad leads you over suspension bridges, along tiny waterfalls towards the Genovevahöhle. I mean just look at the picture below, is this Germany or is this the Junglebook infused with some Beatles walking on Abby Road vibes?
Along the path you’ll also come across Burg Ramstein. The castle is built on a sandstone hill and dates back to the Electors of Trier (Think: Holy Roman Empire in full swing). The owner of the adjacent Hotel Restaurant Burg Ramstein gives guided tours and it’s actually quite fun to do in a group, or yet again with kids. In the restaurant you can eat a huge and incredibly tasty Wildburger. Do recommend!
Local entrepreneurs in Eifel and Luxemburg that are worth a visit
For high-quality food tasting, I think Eifel is not the place you need to be in. In Hotel Restaurant Neyses am Park in Kordel, or in Hotel Restaurant Igeler Säule in Igel, you can have good ole’ wholesome meals (think lots of sausages and potatoes and other things that taste great on the tongue but are not great on the aorta if you know what I mean). Actually Restaurant Igeler Säule might just have the most German interior you will ever find in life: little city related stained glass, enough dark wood to make it seem like the sun is permanently eclipsed and an old man sporting a mustache that would make the Lorax jealous (come to think of it…maybe the man was the Lorax). As the name suggests it lies right next to the Igeler Säule, a Roman sandstone column dating from 250 AD. The Igel Column is designated as part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site Roman Monuments, Cathedral of St. Peter and Church of Our Lady in Trier.
As some of you might know, the Eifel region with the Moselle and Sauer river is famous for it’s winemaking. Make sure to stop by Bohrshof, the landhouse owned by Alexander Bohr, for a taste of the finest brandy I’ve ever tasted. Mr Bohr claims to eventually get to this specific tast by carefully picking out the fruits and continuing the traditional way of distilling.
I can advise you to stop by Winzerhof Löwener Mühle as well. The place is owned by the Johaentges family and they are also specialised in winemaking. Most of the products are sold directly at the farmhouse so it’s quite exclusive. Daughter Stephanie is explaining all about winemaking on the YouTube channel AgriKultur (in German).
If you miss going to your grandma and eat one of those pies like only your grandma can make them, fear not. Hilde’s Bauernstübchen ‘s got you covered! The name sounds like a German version of Minnie’s Haberdashery (Imagine my disillusion when I discovered the true meaning of haberdashery… yes you guys should Google that) and it’s basically just an old-fashioned place with a couple of ladies selling homemade pie. What more do you need in life?!
Where to stay in the Eifel Region
I opted to stay in Gästehaus Johannishof in Langsur-Mesenich. It is both a wine bar and guesthouse. Recently they opened up a brand new separate building with roomy and modern accommodation. Although it doesn’t really cater to luxury, I thought it was worth the mention because I had a comfortable and enjoyable stay and the family that runs it is very friendly. The 80+ year old Pater Familias even came to say hi. I’m sure you’ll get along well!